Transfers! :)

It's transfers! I will stay in the same area (Taytay 3rd), but I am getting a new companion :) Since my new companion doesn't know the area, I will be leading the area! My new companion is Sister Gaspar. I haven't met her yet, I will tomorrow, but I heard she is really nice! :) I also just found out that I will be in a three some for a week while one of the sister's waits for her companion. A lot of changes, but I'm excited for all that's ahead! :)

This week there was a super typhoon in the Philippines. It was all over the news here. It was more north of us, so luckily we weren't too effected other than A LOT of rain! I'm safe no worries :)

The work is great, and the people are amazing! :) There has been some downs this week though. We've had a few people we are teaching that have stopped progressing. That is the hardest part of missionary work so far is when people stop progressing and when people turn away the Gospel. It breaks my heart, because I know how much it can bless them. I know though that all I can do it do my best and give people the opportunity to accept or reject the Gospel. I know God has a plan though!

We went to a member's house this week for dinner. They just had a new baby and I just looked at that beautiful family and thought how lucky that little baby is to be born into a home that has the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful that I can help those that weren't as fortunate find the Gospel so one day they can bring their children into a home with the Gospel too.

I love the Gospel more than I can put into words. I'm so thankful for the Book of Mormon. It is truly a marvelous work and a wonder. I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father that is so mindful of us and loves us so much! :)

I love you all and hope you have a great week! :)
-Sister Durrant :)


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