"Swallowed up in the joy of Christ" -Alma 31:38

November 11, 2018

Hello po sa lahat!!! :)

I am doing so so great!!! :) & working HARD! I still can't get over that my job is 24/7 focus on the Gospel, studying the Gospel, & sharing the Gospel! "How great is my calling!!" :)

One of the investigators we have been teaching ever since I got in the mission really wants to get baptized but her husband doesn't want her to. This week we told her to pray to have his heart softened and that we would pray too. The next time we visited her, she said that she asked her husband again, and to her surprise he didn't get upset and he was okay with it. She asked him why and he said that he sees how hard my and my companion are working and we keep coming and he can see how much we care!!!! That was seriously the most touching thing!!!!! I am so excited for her to be baptized!! :)

I definitely have seen poverty here that I never have before. I still don't know how anyone is still living here! Some of the conditions are soo bad :( It's a little scary for my climbing through some of the houses because I'm a lot bigger and heavier than the Filipinos! My companion always laught at me for how slow I am climbing up to people's homes hahaha.

We visited one of our new investigators this week and she explained to us all of her struggles throughout her life and her current relationship with God. She was crying and it was really intense. She said she is hopeless. Sometimes I get intimidated because I can't relate to the hardships the people here face. I am comforted though when I remind myself that the message I am share- the Gospel of Jesus Christ- cures ALL.. It is always the answers to life's problems because it is literally our guide, directions, and purpose for our life here on earth.  The Gospel helps us endure everything that we face in life. It is always the answer and what gives true, lasting, eternal happiness.
Alma 34: 40 & 41
40 And now my beloved brethren, I would exort you to have patience and that you bear with all manner of afflictions..
41 ... have patience and bear with these afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions."

PMG reminds us that "the scriptures often describe hope in Jesus Christ as the assurance that you will inherit eternal life in the Celestial Kingson."

I know that everyone faces challenges in life, but we can be long-suffering and endure them with patience if we have hope. As Latter-day Saints we know our potential and we know the Kingdom & Glory God has prepared for us. We know that with Christ, nothing is impossible, and that His love conquers all. We know that "our afflictions shall be but a small moment." D&C 121:7

At conference Elder D Todd Christopherson reminded us that "Good things are to come to those who are firm and steadfast."

I know that no suffering we go through in life is greater than our reward in Heaven if we endure valiantly. I know that no suffering is grater than the suffering of Jesus Christ. I know that He knows us and our challenges perfectly.

"Your burdens may be light through the joy of His Son."

I'm so thankful to bring the Gospel to people because I know it heals all. I always play these words in my head throughout the day from conference:
"Gather them by helping them feel His love and come to know their Savior Jesus Christ."

I know His love conquers all.

Thank you all soo much!!!!!!

Have an amazing week!!!! :) :)

-Sister Durrant


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