"Happy in Him" Alma 46:41

December 2, 2018

Kumusta!!! :) :)

I've had another beautiful week here in the Philippines doing the Lord's work! :) Next Wednesday is transfer day! I'm not sure what changes there will be, but I'm excited to find out! :)

This week I had the opportunity to go on exchanged with one of my STL's, Sister Desuyo. It was so great :) She took me on my first exchanges when I was just 3 weeks in the field. She said it was really fun for her to see my progress from them to now. I could recognize my progress too. I have a lot to learn still, but I'm working my hardest and being obedient, so I know my Heavenly Father will help me become the missionary He wants me to become! :) I love all that I've learned already on the mission! One reason I came on a mission is because God and my Savior have given me so much, I wanted to try to repay them, but I know that's impossible. When I give I just get more blessings! We truly are forever indebted to Them. :) I love love love Mosiah 2: 20-25. He gives us EVERYTHING and all he asks of us in return is to KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. :)

A really cool experience I had this week was after we visited one of our investigators. We were walking (really it felt like hiking haha) up a hill and had an appointment soon, but a little off the trail I saw this person and had a strong feeling I needed to talk to him. I started talking to him and he was replying but now looking at me, just playing a game on his phone... but I kept bugging him. For some reason I felt like I needed to share my testimony about eternal families. After I was done telling him about eternal families he got of his phone and explained to us that his wife is actually a less active member and they just had a baby and he wants to be baptized and sealed, they just don't know how. Wow! They live out of our area, but we were able to refer them to the missionaries in their area :) That experience was amazing. I am so thankful for the guidance of the Spirit. 

I wish I had the time to tell you all of my experiences!! Pero walang oras! 

Before I leave though I want to share this scripture :) 3 Nephi 13:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

I know that our Heavenly Father KNOWS ALL. He knows what we need and if we keep His commandments and put the Savior and the Gospel at the center of our lives then everything will work out :) This Gospel is truly the pinakamahalagang thing! :) 

I love being a missionary and I love you all!! :)
Have an amazing week!! :)

Ingat po!
-Sister Durrant :)


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