6 months this week- Time is going too fast!

December 16, 2018

Hello everyone! 

I don't have much time as usual, but my first week in my second area has been so great!! :) My new companion, Sister Reyes, is just precious! I love her! My area is in Marikina, Sumulong 2nd Ward :) Marikina is a zone that is really city. I was expecting my area to be really city, but it turns out our area is really different from the other areas in our zone. Our area actually is mostly in the Antipolo province! So it's not city in some places :) Something new for me is that I am sharing a house with another companionship. One of the sisters I live with is Sister Lor my MTC companion! :) 

I've been loving getting to know all the people here. I've made a lot of friends already :) This week we actually had our ward Christmas party on Saturday so I was able to meet some of the members there. It was so fun and the food was really good! :) I love Filipino food! :)

We have an investigator who is 9 years old named Kimberly. We extended a baptismal date and she shook her head, frowned, and said no. Apparently my companion has been trying to get her to be baptized for a while now, but she is afraid of the water.. I wasn't sure what to do to help her overcome her fear and be baptized, but I knew Heavenly Father would know what to do and that he would help us. I prayed that somehow Kimberly would overcome her fear and be baptized. My companion and I decided that next time we taught we would play some games with water. It was really fun! :) After the lesson we extended a baptismal date and she said, with no hesitation and a smile on her face, YES! To me that was a miracle! :)

I hope you are all having a great Christmas season!!!! :)

Love you all!!!!
-Sister Durrant :)


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