Entering the MTC

Hey! Everything has been great so far! They have people around everywhere to tell you where to go! I got some envelopes, my name tag, and my schedule. On one of my papers it tells me who my companion is! I got Kimberly Lor! I know her through Instagram! I am so excited, I was hoping to get her as my companion! She hasn't gotten here yet, but I can't wait to meet her in person! After we dropped off our stuff at my room (I got first pick on which bed because I was there first!! Wahoo!), we went straight to class. THE TEACHERS ONLY SPEAK TAGALOG! They are so so nice! I was the first in the classroom too! They have common greeting phrases on the board so I practiced those with the teacher, then when more missionaries came in, we practiced together! It was really fun! It's so funny because the teachers try to explain things to us in Tagalog and we have no idea what they are saying so we just nod our heads and laugh... Well that's what I do at least!! :) After we did that for a while, they took us here to the computer room to email our direct family and do some survey, I think it's for the language. Anyway, I'm doing so great already!! Nervousness is just excitement now and everyone is so nice and welcoming! Can't wait for next time I get to email you guys! 

Love you all so much
Sister Durrant


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