1 Month Down!!! :)

I'm still just having the greatest time here at the MTC and being a missionary! :) It's crazy how fast time goes by! I've hit my 1 month mark and will be leaving the MTC Aug 1!! I'm so excited! I got my flight plans today! My first ever plane ride is going to 16.5 hours long! We fly from here to San Francisco, then we go straight to Manila, Philippines! I'll be spending 1 week in the Manila MTC. I'm so excited! :)

The language is coming along! In a few hours Sister Lor and I will be teaching a member from the Philippines over skype!

Last Sunday, Sister Lor and I taught relief society. It went well! After our lesson, we were walking to our next meeting when one of the wives of our branch presidency stopped Sister Lor and I and told us that we are exactly what sister training leaders should be! That made my day!

We had a great devotional on Sunday. I forgot the name of who spoke, but one thing he talked about that I really liked was about the most important assignments in missionary work. He said that the top two best assignments are a trainer and being a "GO TO" Missionary. A go to missionary is a missionary that your mission president can always count on and use. I want to be a "go to" missionary! Not only for my mission president, but I was also thinking: "I want to be one of my Heavenly Father's GO TO missionaries!" That's why I'm here, to be an instrument in his hands.

On Tuesday this week, we were able to have a devotional by President M. Russel Ballard!!!
He talked about Joseph Smith and Hyrum. He told us to look at their companionship to help better our own companionships. He also explained the martyrdom of Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum. He talked about how much they, and others, went through to restore God's church back on the earth. He talked about how we will never have to sacrifice as much as Joseph and Hyrum sacrificed for this gospel. It made me think that it's so important to know what they went through to restore this gospel so we know just how special this gospel is. Knowing how much other people gave up for this gospel motivates me to work even harder. My sacrifice to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ is nothing compared to Joseph Smith and Hyrum's! I'm so grateful for all those that helped restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ back on the earth. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet called of God to restore God's church. I'm thankful that I was able to hear President M. Russel Ballard's testimony of Joseph Smith.

Well, it's been another fantastic week!! :) Thanks for all the love and support! :)

-Sister Durrant


I love love LOVE the flowers here at the MTC!!

My district!

The sunsets have been beautiful! One night after class, our district went back into one of the buildings a few floors up and watched the sunset from there! Pictures don't do it justice though! Maganda!


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