Another week in paradise!

Kumusta po! :)

Today for pday we got to go to the Manila Temple! We had to wake up at 4 am but it was worth it :) It was so great to go in the temple and feel the special spirit that is there :)

This week has been jam packed with the Spirit! 

We had another baptism!! It was so special! :) Their family is now on the path to entering the temple and that just makes me so happy!

This week I got the opportunity to go on exchanges with an STL in her area. I learned a lot! We went to teach one of her investigators who is 80+. When we got there, the investigator had a friend over who ended up joining in the lesson with us :) We taught the first lesson but ended up putting a lot more emphasis on how the Gospel blesses families, eternal families, and we taught about the temple too. The friend that was visiting that day got really emotional. It turns out that she is grieving over the death of her son and husband. We showed her a picture of the temple, and with tears in her eyes she said, "I want to go there." I can't even explain the Spirit that was in the room. It was so special.

My companion got sick one day and I went to work with one of the missionaries that lives next door to me. We were going to one of our new investigators and we couldn't find her house. The missionary I was working with was on the phone trying to get directions and I was looking around for the house, when I saw this family and I just had the strongest feeling that we needed to go give talk to them and give a lesson. At this point we found the house we were looking for, but I told my companion that we needed to go visit this family first. And so we did!! Again, the Spirit was so strong! I don't know what will come out of that prompting from the Spirit, but I am so glad I acted on that prompting and I look forward to seeing how that sweet family progresses! :)

Well there is so much to say and I've already run out of time!! Don't forget how much Heavenly Father loves His children-- don't forget how much He loves you and wants to guide you. Just pray and feast upon the words of Christ and He will show you the way! :) :)

-Sister Durrant

Sister Desuyo and I on exchanges! :)


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