5 months down!! Best 5 months! :)

November 19, 2018

Kumusta!! :)

I just got back from the temple!!! The traffic is crazy here in Quezon City. I had to wake up at 4 this morning and travel in a crowded bus for 4 hours, but of course it was soo worth it! I love the temple!!! :)

Usually I don't share these kind of things with you all, but this one had a sort of goodish outcome so I'll share haha :) Sister Gaspar and I went to one of our investigators to teach, but they weren't there. A bunch of "lasing" men had followed us to our investigators house and kind of like surrounded us so we couldn't really get passed them. They told me they loved me and asked if I'd marry them and then asked if they could sing me a song. One of them had a guitar so they sang to us love songs hahaha. My companion started getting scared so she called our zone leaders who usually help us in those kind of situations. Luckily a woman came and rescued us and walked us back to the main road. My companion said "Sister! Your beauty is always getting us in trouble!" hahaha The next day was Sunday and when I walked up to the church two of the men from that night were waiting outside the gate! I was really freaked out!! It was really cool though because they stayed all 3 hours of church and they said they were waiting at the church an hour before it started too! So I'm not sure how I feel because it's really creepy but I mean they came to church so that's good. ;) 

So this week we had a BAPTISM! :) I was so so happy to see her baptized :) I am so glad God led us to her and gave us the Spirit as we taught her :) It was a really happy day!!! :)

Wow I had a lot more to share, but I've run out of time!!

Here's a scripture I really love this week:

Alma 40:25 "And then shall the righteous shine forth in the Kingdom of God."

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Ingat po kayo!
-Sister Durrant :)


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