Another week!! :)

October 7, 2018

I can't believe it has already been another week! :) It has gone by so fast!! I am doing so so great! :)
So the keyboard I am using at the computer shop is messed up and I have no time. This will be short!

The highlight of my week was being able to go to the temple with one of my recent converts! She is 12 years old and this was her first time seeing the temple, and doing baptisms for the dead! We were able to be with her the whole time and do baptisms too. It was such a special experience. She had the biggest smile on her face the whole day! :)

So here in the Philippines they have a lot of gutters on the side of the road. Some of them are really deep and it looks like a side walk, then randomly there is just a huge hole in the ground. So one night this week me and some of my zone were walking home from a dinner appointment and it was dark. I was just walking and talking and then all the sudden I was 4 feet down in one of these holes! I had black sludge almost up to my knees! I didn't get hurt other than a bruise or two, but I was pretty grossed out because who knows what was in that gutter and sludge! I took a really long cold bucket bath that night because that's all I could do about it haha

Well, I'm already out of time! The people I'm teaching are all so wonderful and I love them so much :) I love being able to focus on the gospel all day everyday:)

I love you all!! :)

-Sister Durrant :)


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