God is so good!! :)

September 30, 2018

This week has been so amazing! We were able to find so many new investigators! My favorite thing ever is going up to a person I've never met, get to know them, and then tell them about the thing I love the most- the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I'm so thankful for every person I get to meet and share the Gospel with.

One thing I was praying for this week is to find the people God has prepared to have us teach. I REALLY wanted to find those people. I prayed so hard and Heavenly Father answered my prayers. God is so good!! :)

This week we were invited to a funeral. It was held in a small cement room. 10 of us barely fit in there with the casket. The room had no glass windows and no door so it was very open and there were a ton of people outside gambling who weren't there for the funeral. It turns out I actually had met the man who had passed away. It was an experience I won't forget. Anyway, before the service started, a relative of the deceased walked in and over to the bishop and said: "How can I become a member of your church?" Sister Gaspar and I looked at each other amazed! So was the bishop! He told her that we could teach her, so we will be visiting her this week! It was a miracle! Truly an answer to my prayers!

One night we were walking and this girl was walking a few paces ahead of us. I had a prompting that I should talk to her. So I did. I asked her if she knew of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and she said yes. I was surprised! Usually they don't say they've heard of it until we say "Mormons." I asked if she was a member and she said no, but her teacher invited her to church and she is going to a church activity this week. We asked her if she wanted us to teach her and she said yes! God really is preparing people and I am so so happy that he is leading me to them or them to me!!! :) :)

Well that's all I have time for this week! There's always so much to say and never enough time! I love you all!! :)
-Sister Durrant :)

1. I tried halo-halo and it is SO GOOD! Mang Inasal is my favorite place to eat! Unlimited rice hahahah ;)
2. Our investigator Shyne!
3. A green mango with shrimp sauce! Masarap!


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