November 25, 2018

Hello!!!! I hope you all had a wonderful and tasty Thanksgiving!!!! :):) We had a zone conference on Thanksgiving and they fed us at lunch.. I think they were trying to replicate Thanksgiving a little, but it was nothing like in America haha! I was thankful for the food though, it was still good!! :) :)

This week was kind of crazy because we had a lot going on in the mission. Monday we had choir practice, Thursday Zone Conference, Friday temple lighting, and Saturday we had to travel to Manila.

My zone is one of the more Province type zones so it's one of the furthest from the city. All these events were in the city and because traffic is so bad it takes about 2 hours there and 2 back. I did so much traveling this week!

My companion and I are apart of our mission's choir, and we performed this Friday at the Manila MTC for a bunch of Philippines government people for the Light The World and giving machines kick-off. It was great!! :)

At Zone conference on Thursday, some people of the Light the World/Giving Machines campaign came and gave us a presentation. Apparently the Giving machines are only in 5 places in the world. Salt Lake City, Arizona, Great Britain, New York, and in the Philippines. After the meeting my mission president asked my companion and I if we would go to the Mega Mall in Manila and man the giving machines from 1-5. It's one of the biggest malls in Asia! It was a really special experience. I met this man that was born a Muslim and he wants to join our religion. He is from somewhere around Ukraine. He told me that he knows us meeting at this time and place was no coincidence and that we were an answer to his prayers. WOW

I loved being able to talk to people at the giving machines about celebrating this time of year, the birth and life of our savior, by GIVING AS HE HAVE. I love these scriptures about His light:

Mosiah 16:9 - "He is the light and the life of the world"
Alma 28:14 - "...Great reason.. of rejoicing.. and joy because of the light of Christ unto life."
3 Nephi 12:16 - "Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven."

I know we all have the light of Christ inside of us and it grows as we follow him :)
Remember to always follow Him and "Light the World!"

I wish I could say more!! I love you all!! Have a wonderful week!!!

-Sister Durrant :)


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