Maligayang Pasko!! :)

December 23, 2018


I can't believe it's already Christmas! I hope you are all having a wonderful time celebrating! :) It doesn't really feel like Christmas to me though, pero masaya pa din ako!! :) :)

On Tuesday, some of the zones in our mission had our Christmas Party!! :) We had lechon! I was surprised when I walked in and saw a whole pig on the table haha :) We also attended another ward Christmas party this week, and they had TWO roasted pigs. I guess Filipinos love lechon! ;)

As I've said before, I love teaching kids :) There are so many kids outside playing, and I try to teach as many as I can about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. I also carry around with me pictures of Jesus and hand them out to the kids. They love it!!! :) It's easy to teach the kids because they all love me and even follow me around haha ;) One time we were walking to an appointment, and this little girl ran up to me and hugged me. I didn't recognize her, but she said I taught her friends before. I got talking to her and we found out where she lives. We visited her parents and they were so open to listening to us. The little girl is their only child. Her dad explained to us that he wants her to grow up and be good and do good. We were able to testify to him how much the Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families and that it will help his daughter become what he wants her to become and more. The spirit was so strong as my companion and I testified to him. He invited us to come back and teach him and his family. I'm very excited for them. I have a really good feeling about them :) :)

This week Kimberly (the girl that was afraid of water) got baptized!!!! :) She didn't even hesitate for a second to get in the water!! I am always so so happy seeing the people I teach be baptized :)

I got the opportunity to watch the Christmas Devotional and LOVED our prophet's talk. If you haven't heard it yet, go watch/read it :) Four Gifts that Jesus Christ Offers You

The four gifts are:
1. An unlimited capacity to Love
2. The ability to Forgive
3. Repentance or "Metanoeo" Meta= Change. Noeo= Mind, Knowledge, Spirit, and Breath.
4. The promise of LIFE EVERLASTING

This time of year is so special because we get to celebrate our Savior Jesus Christ who grants unto us all of the sincere desires of our heart if we come unto him.

3 Nephi 9:14
"Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me."

Our beloved Prophet Russell M. Nelson then tells us what is the key to accepting these gifts from our Savior:
"The key is to make and keep sacred covenants. We choose to live and progress on the Lord’s covenant path and to stay on it. It is not a complicated way. It is the way to true joy in this life and eternal life beyond."

Our prophet then explains how his deepest desire is "for all of Heavenly Father's children to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to heed His teachings and for Israel to be gathered as promised in these latter days."

When he said that, I was reminded again of how grateful I am to be called as a full-time missionary in these latter days, working towards fulfilling our prophet's deepest desire, doing the work of the Lord, & doing my part in preparing myself and the world for the second coming of the Messiah. 

Don't forget to give our Heavenly Father a gift this year :)

Sister Durrant
June 2018 - December 2019


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