Shine exceedingly" -Helaman 5:36

December 10, 2018

Hey everyone! :) :) Transfers are here!! Busy busy pday so this might be short!

I got transferred to Marikina Sumulong 2B. It really city but I heard it is one of the more cleaner areas in the city to that it good! :) My new companion is Sister Reyes. I have met her before and she is really nice, I am excited to start working with her tomorrow! :) We meet tomorrow at 8 am and start working. I am beyond excited to meet all the people in my area :) I will for sure miss Taytay though!!!

So this week Melody and Tyron Discutido were baptized!! :) I was SO happy! :) We found them about a month ago. They are 2 of 10 kids in the family. The oldest is only 22! We are teaching the others too and I hope their whole family will be baptized one day! It will happen! :) We are teaching some of their friends too and some of them came to their baptism. It was also fun because Sister Gaspar and I were able to sing them a song at their baptism! Their baptism and confirmation was so special. I will never forget them!

I've really felt the power of the priesthood this week. On Sunday one of our new investigators came to church after just one time of us meeting him :) He went to the bathroom during Sunday school, and all the sudden people started rushing out the door, a lot of commotion, and someone told us it was our investigator. He had passed out! We went to help and a bunch of men were carrying him down the hall to lay him on a mat in the gym area. He would pass out then come back and then pass out again every few minutes. He was telling us earlier that he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning because he has no money, so I think that was why he passed out :( The men decided to give him a blessing. After the blessing he didn't continue to come in and out of passing out. That situation really scared me, but I'm so thankful for the power of the Priesthood. After he started feeling better, some of the members that were helping him and feeding him while he was on the ground came up and talked to us. He showed us a razor blade in his hand. He said he found the razor blade on our investigator and our investigator said that he was planning on taking his life that night. That made me so sad. I won't be able to teach him, but I know that my companion and her new companion will help him feel God's love for him. He really needs to know how much he is loved.
On Tuesday, we went to teach one of our investigators, and her 3 year old daughter was really sick :( We offered a Priesthood blessing and she accepted. We called the zone leaders and while they were on their way to give her a blessing we were able to teach he about the Priesthood. I felt the spirit so strong as her daughter was given a blessing. We are so blessed to be apart of God's church that has His Priesthood power. 

A scripture I really loved this week was 2 Nephi 5:27
"And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness."

I know that living after the manner of happiness is living the Gospel of Jesus Christ :)

I love you all!! Have an amazing week!! :) :) :)
-Sister Durrant


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