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Maligayang Pasko!! :)

December 23, 2018 PASKO NA!!! I can't believe it's already Christmas! I hope you are all having a wonderful time celebrating! :) It doesn't really feel like Christmas to me though, pero masaya pa din ako!! :) :) On Tuesday, some of the zones in our mission had our Christmas Party!! :) We had lechon! I was surprised when I walked in and saw a whole pig on the table haha :) We also attended another ward Christmas party this week, and they had TWO roasted pigs. I guess Filipinos love lechon! ;) As I've said before, I love teaching kids :) There are so many kids outside playing, and I try to teach as many as I can about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. I also carry around with me pictures of Jesus and hand them out to the kids. They love it!!! :) It's easy to teach the kids because they all love me and even follow me around haha ;) One time we were walking to an appointment, and this little girl ran up to me and hugged me. I didn't recognize her, b

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Shine exceedingly" -Helaman 5:36

"Happy in Him" Alma 46:41